a local campsite

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local campsite, Upper Mustang, Nepal
near Lo Manthang

The people of Lo are Tibetan in culture. This tent is the traditional shape of Tibetan tents but it is made from less traditional materials. The black top-piece is made from hand spun yak wool, the material that used comprise the whole tent. In this example the bottom white material is canvas, lighter and more convenient, especially in summertime.

What is very typical in this view is the picnic atmosphere, with a group sitting out eating and drinking. These are very favourite Tibetan pastimes!

This view is an hour out of the capital, Lo Manthang.

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Our next trek to Mustang is in 2007. That might seem far off, but already there are bookings for this wonderful trek. If you are interested, check the page:

 Highlands of Mustang  Nepal: July-August 2007

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