
An artist's view of the holy mountain, Kailas

Mt Kailas, painting, Tibet
Painting of Mt Kailas from the south,Tibet.

Kailas stands very abruptly in its landscape as the artist has depicted; on plains below nomads graze herds of yak around the twin lakes of Rakshas Tal and Manosarovar; and tiny Chiu gompa perches precariously atop a cliff. Magic!
Art like this is not part of the Tibetan tradition. Until very recently, Tibetan painting was solely devoted to religious subjects depicted on the walls of gompas (temples) and religious banners, thankas. It was never primarily secular or scenic.
When tourists started visiting the Mount Everest region of Nepal in the early 1960's a local Sherpa artist Kapa Kalden, was encouraged to produce scenes of village life and the surrounding mountains. His work was eagerly collected and a thriving industry resulted.
This painting of Mt Kailas in western Tibet is of a holy pilgrimage site, but the depiction is in modern style developed for the tourist market by Tibetan and Sherpa artists working in Nepal.

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check our trek to:Mount Kailas in August 99.

Or, review the history of the nearby temples of Toling and Tsaparang.

and their stunning art treasures.

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revision 18 Mar 2001
