
Yaks grazing near Purang, Tibet

yaks grazing near Purang
Yaks grazing; the Indian Himalaya beyond,Tibet.

When trekking to Mt Kailas from Nepal, after crossing the border, the town of Purang is reached after a few hours driving. Another hour north of Purang pleasant grassy flats provide a scenic and comfortable campsite. On a trek to Kailas in 1997 we camped at this spot and were delighted the next morning when this group of yak walked into our camp.
Their heavy loads of wool are destined for the hand-carpet factories of Nepal and India; behind them are the peaks of the Indian Himalaya bathed in morning sunshine.
Next month: A surprise! (which means I'm not sure!)

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To review other photos of this region,

check our trek to:Mount Kailas in August 99.

Or, review the history of the nearby temples of Toling and Tsaparang.

and their stunning art treasures.

other Tibet treks.

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revision 18 Mar 2001
